Executive Committee

The Victorian Research Translation Centre Collaborative (VRTCC) is overseen by an Executive Committee that provides a communication and collaboration vehicle across the three Victorian NHMRC-recognised Research Translation Centres. The Committee provides strategic direction and oversight around current and potential future initiatives across the Centres, especially around working with the Victorian government.

Membership of the Committee includes an independent chair (Prof Richard Larkins AO), executives of each of the Centres, a primary care representative, consumer/s, lead Victorian government representatives, a nominated health service CEO member rotating across Centres, and additional clinical research leaders as agreed by members.

Read the VRTCC Executive Committee Terms of Reference

Funding from the Victorian Government

The VRTCC has previously received funding from the Victorian Government to support a number of shared initiatives including activities on statewide streamlining of research governance, the Australian Clinical Trials Education Centre (A-CTEC), and the proof-of-concept Victorian Collaborative Healthcare Recovery Initiative.

The Centres have also been invited to collectively inform the Victorian Research Strategy being developed by the Victorian Government.