The committee drives improvements required to underpin an effective learning health system across MACH partner hospitals, with a focus on developing processes and frameworks to facilitate the re-use of routinely collected clinical data for secondary purposes. The Data-Driven Healthcare Improvement committee has been reshaped to steer the Data to Knowledge activities within the University of Melbourne Centre for Digital Transformation of Health. The committee has breadth of expertise in informatics and computing, plus representation from groups undertaking similar work at MACH partner hospitals. A Data Users Reference Group comprising clinicians and researchers provide support as required.


Dr Daniel Capurro

University of Melbourne

Dr Douglas Pires

University of Melbourne


Lauren Wallis


Priorities of the Data-Driven Healthcare Improvement committee:

  • Define principles, processes, and guidelines to achieve clear pathways to accessing data in practice
  • Develop a MACH Data Accord built on existing resources to align data access across MACH partners
  • Leverage learnings from relevant success cases nationally and internationally to inform local activities

Name: Affiliations: Bio:
Professor Rinaldo Bellomo Austin Health, University of Melbourne
Professor Douglas Boyle University of Melbourne
Dr Daniel Capurro University of Melbourne
Dr Oliver Daly Western Health
Dr Noel Faux University of Melbourne
Kate Lucas Royal Children's Hospital
Helena Lynn University of Melbourne
Tristan Melchiori Royal Children's Hospital
Dr Douglas Pires University of Melbourne
Dr Megan Prictor University of Melbourne
Alan Pritchard Austin Health
Maureen Turner BioGrid Australia