The Committee is underpinned by Translational Platforms to develop Tomorrow’s Healthcare as articulated in the MACH Strategy 2020 to 2025.
Active platform committees include:
Cell and Gene Therapies
Molecular Imaging
MACH Omics
Additional groups may be established by the STRaP Committee based on need and opportunity.


Professor Keith Martin

Centre for Eye Research Australia


Nick Walsh

Nick Walsh

Responsibilities include:

  • Identify strategic opportunities to develop translational research across MACH
  • Oversee the designation, development and operation of MACH Translational Platforms
  • Provide advice and strategic direction (as required) to the MACH Board
  • Coordinate advocacy for and in response to major funding opportunities across MACH and precinct partners
  • Identify potential partners for industry engagement
  • Engage with the Victorian government on major initiatives and opportunities



Name: Affiliations: Bio:
Professor Marco Herold Olivia Newton-John Cancer Research Institute
Professor Ricky Johnstone Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
Professor Tom Kay St Vincent’s Institute
Mr Robert Klupacs Bionics Institute
Professor Sharon Lewin AO Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity
Professor Keith Martin Centre for Eye Research Australia
Professor Kathryn North AC Murdoch Children's Research Institute
Professor Chris Porter Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Professor Sir John Savill Melbourne Academic Centre for Health
Professor Ken Smith WEHI
Professor Alicia Spittle The University of Melbourne
Dr Michael Wilson CSL Ltd
Professor Peter van Wijngaarden The Florey Institute