Chaired by Professor Sue Walker AO, the Women’s and Newborn Health committee includes clinical and research expertise in key specialist areas such as preeclampsia, endometriosis, cancer, fetal medicine, newborn health, fertility and menopause.


Professor Sue Walker AO

Mercy Hospital, University of Melbourne


Lauren Wallis


The network aims to address key areas, including:

  • Enabling opportunities for collaboration across the network
  • Supporting research, and translation of research into practice, of topics affecting women and infants, issues that broadly affect the community but need to be viewed differently when patients are women, and research that utilises a gender lens more effectively
  • Identifying and disseminating relevant funding opportunities

Name: Affiliations: Bio:
Professor Jeanie Cheong Murdoch Children's Research Institute, Royal Women’s Hospital
Emily Condon Consumer representative
Dr Oliver Daly Western Health
Professor Della Forster La Trobe University, Royal Women’s Hospital
Associate Professor Helena Frawley Royal Women's Hospital, Mercy Hospital, University of Melbourne
Professor Denise Harrison University of Melbourne
Professor Martha Hickey Mercy Hospital, Royal Women's Hospital, University of Melbourne
Professor Lisa Hui Mercy Hospital, Northern Health, University of Melbourne
Dr Samantha Mooney Mercy Hospital, University of Melbourne
Associate Professor Michelle Peate Mercy Hospital, Royal Women’s Hospital, University of Melbourne
Professor Joanne Said Royal Women’s Hospital, University of Melbourne, Western Health
Dr Rebecca Szabo Royal Women's Hospital, Mercy Hospital, University of Melbourne
Professor Sue Walker AO Mercy Hospital, University of Melbourne

Letter – Consider pregnancy in COVID-19 therapeutic drug and vaccine trials

The Lancet, May 2020, Prof Susan Walker, Chair MACH Women’s and Newborn Health Committee