Board and council
MACH Board
The board develops and implements key policies, protocols and frameworks for the governance of the MACH, as well as ensuring effective oversight of the performance of the MACH in relation to its objectives.
Professor Jane Gunn AO
Board Chair, Dean, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences, The University of Melbourne
Uncle Graham Atkinson
Indigenous Elder Representative
Professor Shelley Dolan
CEO, Melbourne Health
Dr Mukesh Haikerwal AC
Altona Medical Group (Primary Care Representative)
Adjunct Professor Russell Harrison
CEO, Western Health
Professor Keith Martin
Director, Centre for Eye Research Australia
Professor Sarath Ranganathan
Head, Melbourne Medical School
Professor Ken Smith
Director, WEHI
Professor Sir John Savill FRS
(ex officio)
Executive Director, MACH
MACH Council
The MACH council is the governing body of the MACH. The council provides oversight of the MACH board via the board chair, including reviewing progress of the MACH on a yearly basis against the agreed objectives and approving changes/updates, as required.
Ms Patricia Faulkner AO
Council Chair
Professor Sir John Savill FRS
(ex officio)
Executive Director, MACH
Mr Cameron Goodyear
Interim CEO, Austin Health
Mr Robert Klupacs
CEO, Bionics Institute
Professor Keith Martin
Director, Centre for Eye Research Australia
Professor Meg Morris
Director, Academic Research Collaborative in Health, La Trobe University
Professor Shelley Dolan
CEO, Melbourne Health
Mr Michael Krieg
Chief Executive, Mercy Health Services
Professor Kathryn North AC
Director, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute
Professor Tracy Comans
Director, National Ageing Research Institute
Ms Debra Bourne
Interim CEO, Northern Health
Professor Marco Herold
CEO, Olivia Newton-John Cancer Research Institute
Professor Jason Payne
Chief Executive, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
Ms Nicole Tweddle
CEO, St Vincent’s Hospital
Professor Tom Kay
Director, St Vincent’s Institute
Professor Peter van Wijngaarden
Director and CEO, The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health
Associate Professor Ed Oakley
Interim CEO, The Royal Children’s Hospital
Mr Brendon Gardner
CEO, The Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital
Dr Sue Matthews
CEO, The Royal Women’s Hospital
Professor Jane Gunn AO
Dean, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences, The University of Melbourne
Professor Mark Cassidy
Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research, The University of Melbourne
Professor Ken Smith
Director, WEHI
Adjunct Professor Russell Harrison
CEO, Western Health