Welcome from the Executive Director

MACH brings together health services, health scientists and healthcare consumers committed to the translation of interdisciplinary research to benefit patients and strengthen the economy. MACH’s collaboration addresses current health challenges by delivering precision care, developing innovative healthcare solutions and new technologies.


Our People

MACH brings together extensive expertise in clinical research, medical practice and governance, supporting innovative translational research and building capacity across the partnership.

Our Partners

MACH is a joint venture between Victoria’s top healthcare providers, medical research institutes and leading universities to promote best practice and collaboratively improve outcomes in the health space.

The collaboration includes 19 full partners, including ten Victorian healthcare providers, eight independent medical research institutes and the University of Melbourne, with La Trobe University as an affiliate member. Across this partnership, around $7 billion is invested each year in health care, research and education.

Our Strategy

MACH’s integrated approach allows for research to enable health system improvement, advancement and reform. Research translation and positive patient care are at the forefront of MACH’s principal strategic objectives, Transformative Themes to deliver Precision Care, Translational Platforms to develop Tomorrow’s Healthcare and a Career Track to nurture Future Leaders.

Our Victorian Network

The Victorian Research Translation Centre Collaborative (VRTCC) is a state-wide collaboration between MACH, Monash Partners and Western Alliance to improve the health of Victorians.

The VRTCC works closely with the Victorian State Government leading initiatives that accelerate translation of research into clinical care to deliver improved health outcomes.

Our National Network

MACH is a member of the Australian Health Research Alliance (AHRA), a national grouping of the seven NHMRC-accredited Advanced Health Research Translational Centres (AHRTCs) and three Centres for Innovation in Regional Health (CIRHs) found across Australia. Through collaboration both within and across Translation Centres, AHRA aims to drive excellence in health research and in health care delivery that responds directly and quickly to the needs of patients.