The Health Services Improvement and Implementation Committee is focused on fostering knowledge sharing through the delivery of seminars and development of resources, and the evaluation and promotion of real-world implementation of evidence-based delivery of care within health systems at a community and national level.


Associate Professor Stephanie Best

Associate Professor Nicole Rankin


Lauren Wallis


Priorities for the Health Services Improvement and Implementation Committee include:

  • Facilitating networking and collaborative opportunities for health services improvement and implementation research across MACH partners that includes community, primary, secondary and tertiary care
  • Evaluating and promoting real-world implementation of evidence-based delivery of care within health systems at a community and national level
  • Increasing health services research and implementation capabilities across the network by delivering a publicly available seminar series
  • Providing direct access to a range of high-quality implementation science resources in the form of a curated directory developed on behalf of the committee

Name: Affiliations: Bio:
Dr Yasmine Ali Abdelhamid Royal Melbourne Hospital, University of Melbourne
Associate Professor Stephanie Best Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Victorian Comprehensive Cancer Centre, University of Melbourne
Professor Kim Dalziel University of Melbourne, Murdoch Children's Research Institute
Professor Clara Gaff Melbourne Genomics, Murdoch Children's Research Institute, University of Melbourne, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute
Associate Professor Kimberley Haines Western Health, University of Melbourne
Colleen Hartland Consumer representative
Professor Harriet Hiscock Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, Royal Children’s Hospital, University of Melbourne
Peter Larsen Centre for Eye Research Australia
Professor Victoria Palmer University of Melbourne
Dr Tuong Phan St Vincent's Hospital
Associate Professor Nicole Rankin University of Melbourne
Dr Megan Robertson St Vincent's Hospital
Professor Dave Story Austin Health, University of Melbourne
Professor Karin Thursky Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Royal Melbourne Hospital, University of Melbourne
Professor Rochelle Wynne Western Health, Deakin University