MacCS (Melbourne academic centre Clinician Scientists – pronounced “max”) is a unique collaboration between MACH and Melbourne Medical School, Research Training Academy that offers:

  • Peer mentorship
  • Reviewing of grant proposals
  • Opportunities for collaboration and knowledge exchange
  • Strategies to secure grant funding
  • Insights into aspects of clinician scientist roles, such as diverse career pathways and how to effectively balance the demands of clinical practice with research

We recognise that for aspiring post-doctoral clinician scientists the first five years after completion of a PhD can be particularly challenging, especially securing both postdoctoral research funding to develop scientific independence and a clinical role in advanced practice. The MacCS leadership and steering committee will draw from their own vast experience to provide invaluable guidance to network members in navigating these challenges.

Structured as a network, MacCS benefits from the experience of Professor Sir John Savill and Professor Margie Danchin as Chairs, plus a steering committee of clinician-scientists committed to identifying and addressing the gaps that clinician scientists often encounter.

Who should join

If you are an early to mid-career clinician-scientists from any discipline affiliated with a MACH Partner:

  • within five years of post-doc completion
  • looking to start your own research group
  • working on your own grant funding

To join this dynamic, peer-run network, please contact us at [email protected] to be added to our mailing list, so you can stay updated with future events and opportunities.

MacCS Steering Committee

MACH has brought together eight accomplished clinician-scientists who are leaders in their respective fields and are committed to advancing the clinician-scientist community.

  • Dr Jessica Day

    Rheumatologist at RMH

    Research Domain: Inflammatory Diseases of Muscle (Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research)

  • Dr Thanuja Dharmadasa

    Neurologist at RMH

    Research Domain: Motor Neurone Disease (The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health)

  • Dr Prasanth Ramachandran

    Neurologist at RMH

    Research Domain: Neuroinflammatory diseases (Doherty Institute/University of Melbourne)

  • Dr Aparna Rao

    Medical Oncologist at PMCC

    Research Domain: Melanoma (Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre)

  • Dr Emily See

    Intensivist and Nephrologist at RMH/ RCH

    Research Domain: Acute Kidney Injury (University of Melbourne)

  • Dr Shivanthan Shanthikumar

    Paediatric Respiratory Specialist at RCH

    Research Domain: Childhood Respiratory Diseases (Murdoch Children’s Research Institute)

  • Dr Jim Whittle

    Neuro Oncologist at PMCC

    Research Domain: Brain Cancer – Patient-derived models for drug discovery (Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research)

  • A/Prof Lisa Zhu

    Ophthalmologist at CERA

    Research Domain: Artificial intelligence and retinal imaging to detect sight threatening conditions (Centre for Eye Research Australia)


Past Events

MacCS hosted a a symposium titled “Getting Started as a Post-Doctoral Clinician Scientist”, on 13th of August 2024, providing invaluable insights and guidance to those at the early stages of their clinician scientist careers. Click here to view the program.