• Increasing HSR skills at the frontline

    Head and shoulders profile shot of Harriet Hiscock.

    In 2022, our first cohort of doctors, nurses and allied health professionals commenced their MacHSR Future Leaders Fellowship journey and are now using health services research to explore evidence-based solutions to practical healthcare problems. Balancing clinical and research work Brit Gordon, Chief Allied Health Officer and MacHSR Lead at Austin Health, says the Fellowship is … Read more

  • Detecting and managing chronic disease early

    Head and shoulders shot of a GP talking to a patient in a consultation room.

    Chronic disease rates are on the rise and, over the last 10 years at Western Health, the care dialysis population has grown from 65 to 400. “That’s why we need people to get tested and treated early,” says Associate Professor Craig Nelson, Future Health Today co-lead and Head of Nephrology at Western Health. Statistics like … Read more

  • MacHSR Profile: Catherine Grant and A/Prof Harin Karunajeewa

    Tell us about your project. Catherine Grant: One of the biggest barriers we face in being able to provide truly integrated care is the interface between hospital and primary care. This is particularly concerning for those patients living with chronic and complex conditions, where siloed care can have significant negative impacts on healthcare outcomes.  My … Read more

  • Keeping Hips on Track

    Every year around 120 children in Victoria are diagnosed with cerebral palsy (CP). For those with limited mobility, hip displacement can emerge as a serious medical issue. As children with CP grow, the hip joint can change shape with the ball moving out of the socket over time. If the hip joint reaches the point … Read more

  • Why social prescribing is important for improving health outcomes

    Most chronic health problems diagnosed and managed in general practice require important lifestyle changes as an essential part of management. Consequently, many things that assist patients to best manage their illnesses lie outside the walls of hospitals and general practice. Chronic health problems such as obesity, diabetes, vascular disease and musculoskeletal pain have very important … Read more