Meet Our Care of the Ageing EMCRs

A list of early- and mid-career researchers and clinicians focused on ageing and aged care research from across the MACH network to consider including in your projects and activities.


Dr Anita Goh

National Ageing Research Institute; The University of Melbourne

Full Bio


Dr Samantha Clune

La Trobe University

Full Bio

The Network is overseen by the MACH Care of the Ageing Committee, to which the MACH Ageing and Aged Care EMCR network Chair and Deputy Chair are be appointed as representatives.


To improve life and health for ageing adults across Australia and internationally, through building a community of practice for ageing and aged care research by emerging leaders.

We aspire to perform high quality research that is:

  • Relevant to health priorities set by Government or funding bodies
  • Valuable to ageing adults and those involved in their care and health
  • Translatable to practice or daily life
  • Measurable in impact (social, health, economic and knowledge)


  • Improve communication and engagement with ageing adults and clinical partners by EMCRs, to support development of relevant and timely ageing and aged research, and dissemination of research findings to facilitate clinical practice translation and real-world impact
  • Build collaborative capacity and peer support amongst EMCRs across the MACH network in ageing and aged care research, through facilitating interdisciplinary and inter-institutional networking to build strong research teams for competitive funding applications
  • Develop pathways and mentorship for ageing and aged care researchers across MACH partners, including mentoring relationships with senior academics and peers
  • Communicate the voice of EMCRs in ageing and aged care research to established leaders and to the MACH Care of the Ageing Committee to inform strategic directions, including advocating for more EMCRs to be represented on high quality studies within the MACH network
  • Create opportunities for EMCR professional development and skill-building



We’re looking to connect with as many EMCRs in the field as possible and deliver a program of activity designed specifically for emerging leaders.

Leadership Opportunity – Subcommittee Chairs

Are you interested in joining any of the following subcommittees (as Chair or general member)?

Select as many as you are interested in:

– Communications

– Events

– Funding

Please email [email protected] indicating your interest.

Name: Affiliations: Bio:
Dr Samantha Clune La Trobe University
Dr Anita Goh National Ageing Research Institute; The University of Melbourne
Mr Jason Talevski (Secretary) The University of Melbourne