Project Lead
Dr Alex Besson
BIOVariable response to oncological treatment is multifactorial, however, there is increasing evidence that sarcopenia is a key predictor of chemotherapy toxicity and therefore early cessation of treatment. Newly emerging AI software has recently been developed to accurately determine body composition from CT scan and will allow for analysis of large patient cohorts. The clinical impact of sarcopenia on both oncological and surgical management of colorectal cancer can be used to individualise treatment for patients. This could have significant clinical impact in the newly emerging treatment paradigm of total neoadjuvant therapy for locally advanced rectal cancer.
- Oral presentation at the Colorectal 2024 national conference in Melbourne for one of my projects on ‘The impact of body composition on perineal reconstruction with inferior gluteal artery myocutaneous (IGAM) flaps and primary closure (PC) following abdominoperineal resection (APR).