• Exercise for older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    The long-term health effects of isolation and decreased physical activity in older adults is unknown, therefore staying active is vitally important to older adults’ physical, social and mental well-being. Where possible include strength and balance activities when exercising. And finally, it’s never too late to start! Doing a small amount of exercise each day will … Read more

  • Why workspace environmental design evaluation is crucial to support the aged care workforce

    Supporting Australia’s aged care workforce is essential as the population continues to age. Associate Professor Lucio Naccarella understands the imperative. His current research takes steps to address the question of how the physical environment of aged care facilities support or hinder staff. This study recognises that the demographics of Australia’s ageing population are changing, with older adults being more affluent, … Read more

  • Exposing barriers to reporting elder abuse and why we must take action

    With World Elder Abuse Awareness Day having passed us on 15 June, and increased strains on family relationships and responsibilities in the era of social isolation, there has never been a more prudent time to bring the issue into the public eye. A study conducted by the National Ageing Research Institute’s Professor Briony Dow and colleagues, aimed … Read more

  • Podcast: Our Flesh After Fifty

    Professor of gynaecology Martha Hickey and curator Jane Scott discuss the inspiration behind ‘Flesh After Fifty’, an exhibition celebrating positive images of older women in art.