• The Victorian Falls Prevention Alliance: from research to implementation

    Patient falls are a significant concern in healthcare – particularly in hospital settings where they represent the most frequent clinical risk. Current falls prevention strategies show variability in effectiveness and implementation across different health services. The Victorian Falls Prevention Alliance is working collaboratively to reduce falls injuries in hospitals – led by Professor Cathy Said … Read more

  • Voices of Consumer Involvement at MACH

    Judy McCahon and Barry Baulch are dynamic consumer representatives for the MACH Care of the Ageing committee. They provide insightful and meaningful contributions to our researchers and are valued members of our community. According to the Consumer Health Forum of Australia, community and consumer representatives “represent the voices of consumers and take part in the decision-making … Read more

  • Next gen ageing and aged care researchers

    MACH welcomes the recent appointment of Dr. Anita Goh, from the National Ageing Research Institute (NARI) and The University of Melbourne; and Dr. Samantha Clune, from the Australian Institute of Primary Care and Ageing (AIPCA), La Trobe University, as the new chair and deputy-chair of the MACH Care of the Ageing, Early-Mid Career research group. … Read more

  • The beginning of a major revolution in how we tackle Alzheimer’s disease

    A/Prof Wijngaarden’s research uses hyperspectral imaging (HSI) technology, which was first developed by NASA engineers to image Earth from space, to provide detailed information about the minerals in the soil and to map plant life. The team has adapted this technology to scan the retina of the eye as a way to detect signs of … Read more

  • How exercise can prevent chronic conditions

    A chronic condition is a long lasting illnesses with persistent effects. Examples of common chronic conditions include heart disease, depression, diabetes and cancer. As we get older, there is an increased likelihood of having one or more chronic condition, this is known as multi-morbidity. Multi-morbidity affects approximately 1 in 5 Australians with the number increasing … Read more

  • Ageing & EMCR leadership

    Prof Briony Dow is the Director of the National Ageing Research Institute (NARI), Honorary Professor at the School of Nursing and Midwifery at Deakin University and Honorary Associate Professor at the School of Global and Population Health at the University of Melbourne. Prof Dow’s own research interests include elder abuse and mental health in older … Read more

  • World Osteoporosis Day

    World Osteoporosis Day is a great time to raise awareness of ways to maintain bone health, especially in older adults

  • Funding awarded


    MACH is supporting an MRFF grant allowing MACH Care of the Ageing Committee’s Dr Suzanne Kapp to tackle the rise of pressure injuries in aged care.

  • Care of the Ageing: Ageing and Aged Care Research Review

    As Australia’s ageing population increases, the need to adapt models of care we once relied on for the older generation is changing. COVID-19 has had substantial impacts on the aged care system, requiring new solutions and innovation to improve patient care. This report aims to emphasise the extensive ageing and aged care research across Melbourne  Academic … Read more